Saturday, October 18, 2008


It's October. Middle of...October, and the whole "why on earth did I sign up for this?" feeling is already settling in quite nicely.

I have the blog all set, and just need to hopefully finish my outline. For NaNoWriMo I plan to use my Work in Progress, Imperfection, since I haven't really written for misc. scenes.

Anyways, more updates come November!


Ariel October 24, 2008 at 12:58 PM  

I like the banner at the top of your blog, Midget! Oh, and I know good and well the feeling of "Why on earth did I sign up for this?" even though this is my third year to do it. But College + NaNo = *headdesk*
Maybe we can do some word wars once November gets here! :D


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